Hogs Gone Wild
In the 1960 science fiction film classic, The Time Machine, based on H.G. Wells' 1895 novel similarly titled, the hero (played by Rod Taylor; photo, right) travels in a time machine to a distant...
View ArticleLooting and Burning — Trampling the Rule of Law!
Today we awakened to the dramatic headlines: "Ferguson Businesses Torched in Overnight Protests,""Ferguson Explodes Following Grand Jury Decision Not to Indict,""Ferguson Businesses Burned, Looted." A...
View ArticleThe Mystical Nature of (Collectivist) Bureaucracies by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Recently, I purchased a firearm at a gun show and had an experience that once again solidified my distaste for collectivist bureaucracies. I often tell my wife and my sons, Ron and Damien, the three...
View ArticlePolice shootings and black on black crime
According to data from both USA Today and the FBI Supplementary Homicide Report, there are approximately 400 "felons" killed by police officers or "justifiable homicides" yearly in the US. In 2012, for...
View ArticleFaria: The Turkish-Russian conflict — Converting adversity into opportunity
The downing of a Russian jet by a Turkish F-16 fighter plane is a distracting development for the war on ISIS, as well as an event that could have ominous repercussions for the NATO alliance. Turkey...
View ArticleLet's keep the Electoral College in Georgia
In a recent column in The Telegraph, Steve Berman wrote the Georgia Legislature was considering "giving up our state's sovereignty" by proposing House Bill 929 that would elect the president by the...
View ArticleEven in Brussels, blame the victim by David C. Stolinsky, MD
In the United States, we play baseball. In the United Kingdom, they play cricket. But everywhere, people play blame-the-victim. Anyone can play — no skill or knowledge is required. It’s easy to play —...
View ArticleProof of an old conspiracy in motion? — Opposing views!
Jose: Friends, another article to connect the dots, "Soros's Campaign of Global Chaos," from Realclearpolitics by Caroline Glick, August 26, 2016:read more
View Article3 MAJOR REASONS: That No American Should Ever Vote For Hillary by Teri O'Brien
Now that Vice President Joe “Stand Up Chuck” Biden has finally let people get some sleep at night by announcing that he will not be running for president after all, it’s pretty clear that the commie...
View ArticleWhat all people really want, the view of a visiting Egyptian physician by...
The media continuously misunderstand what the people really think because of their elitism and failure to communicate with the people of America, who are the backbone of our country. I experienced this...
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